Report On Geophysical Work In The Area Of Fiambala Zapata, Catamarca
by Anzelius, Kjell. Material type: Computer file; Format:
regular print
Publisher: CATAMARCA, ARGENTINA SEGEMAR 1974Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca SEGEMAR - Mendoza [Call number: Cuerpo-Estante-No: CARPETA PROVINCIAS VARIAS I] (1).
Informe Del Levantamiento Geofisico En El Area De Fiambala Zapata, Catamarca
by Anzelius, Kjell. Material type: Computer file; Format:
regular print
Publisher: CATAMARCA, ARGENTINA SEGEMAR 1974Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca SEGEMAR - Mendoza [Call number: Cuerpo-Estante-No: CARPETA PROVINCIAS VARIAS I] (1).
Report On A Geophysical Survey In Area El Cerrito (56), Province Of Santiago Del Estero
by Anzelius, Kjell. Material type: Computer file; Format:
regular print
Publisher: SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO, ARGENTINA SEGEMAR 1974Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca SEGEMAR - Mendoza [Call number: Cuerpo-Estante-No: CARPETA PROVINCIAS VARIAS I] (1).
Report On Geophysical Surveys In The Area Of La Alumbrera, Farallon Negro, Province Of Catamarca
by Anzelius, Kjell. Material type: Computer file; Format:
regular print
Publisher: CATAMARCA, ARGENTINA SEGEMAR 1973Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca SEGEMAR - Mendoza [Call number: Cuerpo-Estante-No: CARPETA PROVINCIAS VARIAS I] (1).
Elevar Informe Geofisico Zona Las Aguilas, Provincia De San Luis
by Pancetti, Norberto. Material type: Computer file; Format:
regular print
Publisher: SAN LUIS, ARGENTINA SEGEMAR 1979Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca SEGEMAR - Mendoza [Call number: Cuerpo-Estante-No: CARPETA SAN LUIS I] (1).
Evaluacion De Campa�a Geofisica Realizada En Las Aguilas, Provincia De San Luis
by Garavilla, Raul | Pancetti, Norberto. Material type: Computer file; Format:
regular print
Publisher: SAN LUIS, ARGENTINA SEGEMAR 1981Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca SEGEMAR - Mendoza [Call number: Cuerpo-Estante-No: CARPETA SAN LUIS I] (1).
Resultados De Trabajos Geofisicos Realizados En Area Las Aguilas, Provincia De San Luis Durante El Segundo Semestrre De 1980
by Pancetti, Norberto. Material type: Computer file; Format:
regular print
Publisher: SAN LUIS, ARGENTINA SEGEMAR 1981Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca SEGEMAR - Mendoza [Call number: Cuerpo-Estante-No: CARPETA SAN LUIS I] (1).
Elevar Informe Geofisico Correspondiente Al Area La Mejicana-Los Bayos
by Pancetti, Norberto. Material type: Computer file; Format:
regular print
Publisher: LA RIOJA, ARGENTINA SEGEMAR 1979Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca SEGEMAR - Mendoza [Call number: Cuerpo-Estante-No: CARPETA FAMATINA I] (1).
Geofisica De Los Bayitos
by Garavilla, Raul. Material type: Computer file; Format:
regular print
Publisher: LA RIOJA, ARGENTINA SEGEMAR 1980Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca SEGEMAR - Mendoza [Call number: Cuerpo-Estante-No: CARPETA FAMATINA I] (1).
Informar Sobre Campa�a Geofisica Realizada En Famatina
by Pancetti, Norberto. Material type: Computer file; Format:
regular print
Publisher: LA RIOJA, ARGENTINA SEGEMAR 1979Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca SEGEMAR - Mendoza [Call number: Cuerpo-Estante-No: CARPETA FAMATINA I] (1).
Induced Polarization Survey At Arroyo Las Cuevas. Area De Reserva N� 12-2 (s) "santa Clara Este". Informe Geofisico N� 19
by Gonzalez Laguinge, Horacio. Material type: Computer file; Format:
regular print
Publisher: MENDOZA, ARGENTINA SEGEMAR 1967Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca SEGEMAR - Mendoza [Call number: Cuerpo-Estante-No: B/3/25] (1).
Induced Polarization Survey At Area 19 (s) "laguna Diamante". Informe Geofisico N� 14 (a)
by Gonzalez Laguinge, Horacio | King, Anthony. Material type: Computer file; Format:
regular print
Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca SEGEMAR - Mendoza [Call number: Cuerpo-Estante-No: B/4/5] (1).
Induced Polarization Survey At Polvaredas. Informe Geofisico N� 16
by Gonzalez Laguinge, Horacio. Material type: Computer file; Format:
regular print
Publisher: MENDOZA, ARGENTINA SEGEMAR 1966Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca SEGEMAR - Mendoza [Call number: Cuerpo-Estante-No: B/4/19] (1).
Estudio Geofisico De Las Minas "santa Cruz" Y "haydee", Departamento Malargue
by Garavilla, Raul. Material type: Computer file; Format:
regular print
Publisher: MENDOZA, ARGENTINA SEGEMAR 1984Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca SEGEMAR - Mendoza [Call number: Cuerpo-Estante-No: B/4/21] (1).
Levantamiento Geofisico Aereo (magnetometria Y Espectrometria De Rayos Gamma) Del Bloque San Rafael, Provincias De Mendoza Y La Pampa, Republica Argentina.
by Chernicoff, Carlos J | Vargas, Daniel. Material type: Computer file; Format:
regular print
Publisher: MENDOZALA PAMPA, ARGENTINA SEGEMAR 1999Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca SEGEMAR - Mendoza (1).
Proyecto De Investigacion Geofisica
by Noa I : Centro De Exploracion Geologico Minera Ii : Direccion General De Fabricaciones Militares. Material type: Computer file; Format:
regular print
Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca SEGEMAR - Mendoza [Call number: Cuerpo-Estante-No: CAJA N.O.A. 1/8] (1).
Informes Geofisicos De Areas De Reserva: N� 3 "rinconada"; N� 12 "la Frontera"; N� 13 "el Oculto"; N� 14 "vizcacheral"; N� 19 "taca-Taca"; N� 22 "centenario", Provincias De Salta Y Jujuy.
by Anzelius, Kjell | Seward, F.A. Material type: Computer file; Format:
regular print
Publisher: SALTAJUJUY, ARGENTINA SEGEMAR 1973/75Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca SEGEMAR - Mendoza [Call number: Cuerpo-Estante-No: CAJA N.O.A. 1/9] (1).
Interpretacion Geologica Del Relevamiento Aeromagnetico De La Puna Septentrional, Jujuy Y Salta
by Chernicoff, C.J | Garea, G | Hongn, R | Seggiaro, R | Zappettini, E | Coira, B | Caffe, P | Chayle, W | Gutierrez, G | Perez, A | Soler, M | Rankin, Leigh. Material type: Computer file; Format:
regular print
Publisher: JUJUYSALTA, ARGENTINA SEGEMAR 1996Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca SEGEMAR - Mendoza [Call number: Cuerpo-Estante-No: Cj. GEOFIS. 1/1] (1).
Magnetic Interpretation: Sierras De Chepes Y De Las Minas - Geoscientific Mapping Of The Sierras Pampeanas, Argentine - Australia Cooperative Project, Report 29 (interpretacion Geofisica (magnetica) Sierras De Chepes Y De Las Minas : Mapeo Geocientifico De Las Sierras Pampeanas - Proyecto Cooperativo Argentino-Australiano) - Serie Contribuciones T�cnicas : Geof�sica N� 4.
by Hungerford, P.E | Pieters, P.E. Material type: Computer file; Format:
regular print
Publisher: CORDOBALA RIOJASAN LUIS, ARGENTINA SEGEMAR 1996Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca SEGEMAR - Mendoza [Call number: Cuerpo-Estante-No: Cj.GEOFIS. 1/2] (1).
Configuracion Geofisica-Geologica Del Sector Norte De La Provincia De Rio Negro
by Kostadinoff, Jose | Gregori, Daniel A | Raniolo, Ariel. Material type: Computer file; Format:
regular print
Publisher: RIO NEGROLA PAMPA, ARGENTINA SEGEMAR 2005Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca SEGEMAR - Mendoza (1).