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Skarn Deposits In Argentina : Studies In La Rioja And San Juan Provinces - Studies In Mendoza And Neuquen Provinces - Studies In Chubut Province

By: Dawson, Kenneth.
Contributor(s): Cravero, Osvaldo | Franchini, Marta | Zanettini, Juan Carlos.
Material type: materialTypeLabelComputer filePublisher: LA RIOJASAN JUANMENDOZANEUQUENCHUBUT, ARGENTINA SEGEMAR 2000Content type: text Media type: computadora Carrier type: txtSubject(s): SkarnOther classification: Cuerpo-Estante-No: 3/2/20
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Segemar : Servicio Geologico Minero Argentino - Serie Contribuciones Tecnicas - Recursos Minerales N� 12 - 86 Paginas Y 7 Apendices

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Servicio Geológico Minero Argentino
Tel: (5411) 5670-0100
Av. General Paz 5445 (colectora) - Parque Tecnológico Miguelete
Edificio 14 y Edificio 25 San Martín (B1650 WAB) - Provincia de Buenos Aires

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